Consort is a designed Interior Design Firm based in Los Angeles own by Mat Sanders and Brandon Quattrone.
Mat Sanders and Brandon Quattrone had been designing for Jessica Alba and their are know for their starkly and evocative interiors, as seen on their Instagram feed, where the duo’s sense of casual glamour jumps from the screen.
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Mat Sanders and Brandon Quattrone along with Consort are based in bold patterns and high contrast spaces. Travel inspirations also plays a huge role in everything that the Interior Design firm from Los Angeles produce.
When Mat Sanders and Brandon Quattrone get together a few of their friends had just purchased new homes in Los Feliz and in Telluride, and asked them them to design its interiors. And actually both projects turned out great they got the chance to open a home decor store in Los Angeles
The passion is centered on a classic approach and constantly find new sources of inspiration. In their opinion there are so many great people in the market creating fantastic objects. They find themselves as design curators with all the objects from different vendors and brands that they can find to create unique space.
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