Exactly one month from now we will be presented with the magnificent 2015 Academy Oscars with all the glamour that we are used to. We all know that celebrities have a turn for the luxury and flamboyant. Therefore, we decided to show you a TOP 10 of the Nominees Celebrity Houses.
Let’s start with one of the nominees for Best Actrice West Village’s house, Julianne Moore.
The next house belongs to the potential next 2015 Best Actress because of her performance on the feauture length «Wild». Exactly, is Reese Whitherspoon’s house.
The veteran Meryl Streep is on the run for the Supporting Actress Oscar and so on we decided to share some photos of their luxurious mansion in Los Angeles.
Bradley Cooper is another nominee for Best Actor category because of his performance in «American Sniper». Take a look ate his Venice Beache, California’s house.
Keira Knightley’s performance at «The Imitation Game» gave her a nomination for Best Supporting Actress so we decided to gave to her house the nomination in the category “Cozy and Stylish Cebrity Houses”.
Mark Ruffalo’s Hollywood house.
Benedict Cumberbatch, nominee for Best Actor category is known because of his work but also because of his eccentricy. Let’s see some pictures of his incredible mansion.
The following mansion belongs to Patricia Arquette, nominated for Best Supporting Actress in «Boyhood».
Another star from «Boyhood» also nominated for Best Supporting Actor is Ethan Hawke. He deserves the nomination and his house deserves to be on this top celebrity houses.
The Grand Budapest Hotel, directed by Wes Anderson, is a nominee for Best Picture. The film also received 8 other nominations so we thought you would like to get to know Jude Law’s house. Take a check below.