los angeles wexler house

This sleek Los Angeles Home was designed by celebrated desert Modernist Architect Donald Wexler, whose work is known for pioneering the use of steel in residential design. His designs are very integrated “I try to work with the desert as much as possible,” Wexler says. He considers steel, glass, and concrete the most appropriate materials for desert buildings, as they don’t suffer alterations due to the typical desert climate.

los angeles wexler

In 2008, this 1950s Palm Spring modern house, remodeled in a vaguely Spanish Revival style appeared on the market completely disfigured from its original architectural elements.

It had been built in 1954 for actress Andrea Leeds and husband Robert Howard. Only after careful examination some signs of its original splendor start to appear from behind the heavy decoration. The  hallway ceiling that lowers then opens up in the bedrooms in the style midcentury architect, the extensive onyx-Italian marble terrazzo, 15-foot-deep roof eaves, beautiful hardware and Wexler’s design touch of a terrace covering that hangs upward to release built-up heat.

Now completely restored to its original midcentury style, we can enjoy a preserved exterior of a historic house where the backyard reveals a spectacular view of the San Jacinto Mountains.

los angeles wexler exterior

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los angeles wexler livingroom


los angeles wexler house2


los angeles wexler diningroom


los angeles wexler master bedroom


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los angeles wexler house1


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