Axel Vervoordt has earned renown as a collector, antiquaire, interior designer and, most recently, curator. He counts among his clientele royalty, rock stars, financiers, tech tycoons and artists. Tall and elegant, with a serene smile, this 62-year-old may be one of the world’s foremost tastemakers. Yet he has little interest in “style,” at least as it is currently defined, because essentially, Vervoordt is a metaphysician. Inquiries into the nature of being and concepts of time and space are what most compel him; he conveys his views through his inspired arrangements of objects and interiors. To some, expressing the lofty in the material might seem contradictory, but Vervoordt believes that, as in a Zen koan, truth can be contained in paradox and ambiguity. Clients may go to him in search of a splendid antique armoire or for help renovating and furnishing an 18th-century villa, but the most valuable service they receive is instruction in his highly evolved yet quite fundamental philosophy of living.
Los Angeles Homes brings you today a selection of the best interior design projects of Vervoordt. Let’s take a look:


Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt1 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt2 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt3 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt4 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt5 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt6

Get the look:

Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt7 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt8

“The taste then [the 1960s] was classical, so there were many pieces for me, and they later became quite valuable,” Vervoordt says. “There was no better time for buying antique English and European furniture and domestic art, because England’s inheritance taxes forced so many families to strip their country houses of the troves they had accumulated over centuries.” He acquired objects “that I loved with my heart. Only after their purchase would I do research on them, buy books and consult experts. I still work in a similar fashion.”

Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt9 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt10    Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt12 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt13 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt14 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt15 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt16 Best Interior Design Projects By Axel Vervoordt17

“There’s an art to occupying a house. Practical concerns matter above all else. Aesthetic questions enter the picture only at a later stage. The emotional aspect is important. A house should reflect its occupants’ lifestyles and personalities.”


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