Zehana Interiors is a full service interior design that produces residential & commercial spaces in Los Angeles and abroad.

BRABBU upholstery Malay chair

The difference from the other design studios we talk is the unique style present in Zehana’s project. It doesn’t matter if it is a more contemporary or modern, all the spaces should have a vintage piece to add history. This is what we call a timeless designs!

The creative process, with beautiful inspirations from travel and the world, counts with each person of Zehana’s great team, everyone has a crucial role to the final point when they can give a new home or a new restaurant to the clients and enjoy they reaction, it’s always a surprise!

Enough talking, let’s see some of the Timeless Designs from Zehana Interiors:

Zehana Interiors Zehana Interiors Zehana Interiors Zehana Interiors


After Zehana Interiors Timeless Designs You Can’t Miss, See Also: PAUL FORTUNE DESIGN STUDIO JOURNEY