Maison Valentina freestanding bathtubs


Luxurious bathtubs are what we’re ultimately looking for when decorating a bathroom, where relaxation sits as the main key concept. Although it is not the ideal place for rest, as in the case of the bedroom, it also allows us to reduce stress with a relaxing bath. For that reason, Los Angeles is about to unveil 7 moodboards that highlight amazing bathtubs for every style and design trends. From mix metals to matte black finishes, these iconic bathtubs will definitely make your luxury bathroom a stylish and safe place for you.


The bathroom is one of the most exciting rooms in the house to decorate and 2020 is the year to make an artistic statement in our homes, including the bathroom. A piece of art can give the bathroom a much needed focal point, like the Newton Bathtub from Maison Valentina. Newton is an outstanding moment of design inspiration. This bathtub features a curved lip style shape, a timeless detail that conveys comfort, made out of gold-painted casted iron, revealing its entire golden interior. The high-gloss black and gold lacquered spheres make the perfect combination to make this a sculptural and artistic piece.